Stéphanie Berger. Fotoshooting with Miss Switzerland
Durch den Titel als Miss Schweiz wurde Berger 1995 schweizweit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt. Von 1996 bis 2000 moderierte sie beim Schweizer Privatsender Star TV verschiedene Sendungen wie beispielsweise Lifestyle und Stéphanie Live, sowie das Internetmagazin netnight.
...and Martin Dürrenmatt 4x World Champion
Martin Dürrenmatt hat eine klare Handschrift in seinen Arbeiten hinterlassen: schnörkellos, ehrlich, natürlich. Der renommierte und mehrfach ausgezeichnete Hairstylist und Make-up Artist ist der Beste seines Faches.
Seine Liebe zum Erfolg bzw. zu seinem Beruf entstand im Wohnzimmer seiner Eltern. Er wusste schon als 3jähriger Junge, dass er Coiffeur werden will und frisierte seine Mama, Freunde und Verwandte schon in jungen Jahren. Auf seinen Weltmeisterschaften hat er zwischen 2012 und 2017 in vier verschiedenen Städten achtmal die Goldmedaille für sich und die Schweiz geholt.

My work with Greg Gorman
Fantastic day with the world most important celebrity photographer from Los Angeles CA. A marvelous opportunity to work with Greg and to try to understand the magic of his work.
Wenn Sir Elton John das Vorwort schreibt und John Waters das Nachwort, dann muss es sich um einen wahrhaft Großen unter den Starfotografen handeln. Greg Gorman hat in seinem über 50 Jahre währenden Schaffen praktisch jeden fotografiert, der in Hollywood Rang und Namen besitzt – oder auf dem Weg dahin war, ein Star zu werden: Leonardo DiCaprio oder Johnny Depp lichtete er zu Beginn ihrer Karriere ab. Er schuf ikonische Plakate für Filme wie Scarface oder Tootsie, außerdem Plattencover für David Bowie oder Magazincover für Andy Warhol. Aus allen Bildern spricht die tiefe Verbindung, die Gorman zu den Porträtierten aufbaut.

My work with
Tim Mantoani
Thank you Tim for the one and only opportunity to work with you. R.I.P.
From attending the Brooks Institute of Photography, to managing the studio of renowned photographic educator Dean Collins, to opening Mantoani Studio in 1995, shooting photos has been Tim’s lifelong passion and profession. It’s led him to producing editorial imagery for Sports Illustrated, Newsweek and ESPN, as well as advertising photography for Coors, Coca-Cola, EA Sports, Oakley and more international brands. His love of the process most recently led to tracking down and photographing the shooters behind some of the world’s most iconic images with his celebratedBehind Photographs project. Tim’s even stepped in front of the camera to host his own KPBS television series Snapshot, exploring the characters and hidden corners of his San Diego hometown.

My work with Gerd Ludwig
Great person, great photographer great charisma!
A longtime contributor to National Geographic magazine, Gerd Ludwig has covered subjects ranging from the reunification of Germany and changes in the former Soviet Union to the Grimm Brothers and the Salton Sea.
Born in Alsfeld, Germany, in 1947, Ludwig initially studied German literature, political science, and physical education at the University of Marburg, but interrupted his studies to travel in Scandinavia and North America while supporting himself with jobs as a bricklayer, sailor, gardener, and dishwasher.
Ludwig later returned to Germany and studied photography for five years with Otto Steinert at the Folkwangschule in Essen, graduating in 1972 with a degree in photo design from the University of Essen. He co-founded VISUM, Germany's first photographer-owned photo agency, the following year. In 1975, he moved to Hamburg and began working for GEO, Stern, Spiegel, Zeit-Magazin, Time, andLife, as well as photographing advertising campaigns.
It was in 1973 that Nick Ut captured a photograph that would make him famous and win him the most coveted honor in photojournalism, the Pulitzer Prize.
The image shows a naked and screaming Vietnamese girl running with her arms spread wide. Her face is a study in agony. Her body has been scorched with by the burning bomb chemical, napalm, and she flees a scene of smoky chaos in the background.
Like no other image, this photograph of an innocent 9-year-old child fleeing the terrors of battle captured the complexity and often unintended consequences of war. The screaming girl burned by napalm was Phan Thi Kim Phuc of the Trang Bang district. She became known as the “Napalm Girl,” as the image was reproduced in newspapers around the world.
It would go on to become perhaps the primary image which communicated the agony, and for many, the folly of the Vietnam War. It became a potent symbol for anti-war protesters.

My work with David Mecey
Along with his continued catalog and beauty photography, David has self-published a number of books. One, in B&W, titled Passion, is a collection of photographs of favorite models. David’s books can be found at www.blurb.com, in their online bookstore. You can also find galleries of David’s work on display at both the German & French GQ magazine websites. In addition, in the fall of 2008 and again in 2010, David was a featured speaker and presenter at the international photography trade show, Photokina, in Cologne, Germany. In 2013, David was asked to speak at the Theater and Film Dept at UCLA on the merits of working with great photography.
David may be reached at: david@davidmecey.com, or, 310-867-1007.
His website: www.davidmecey.com
Though David’s formative years were all about art and music, his love for photography blossomed after college, quite literally by accident. After a near tragic motorcycle accident put him convalescing for nearly a
year, his doctor suggested photography after admiring David’s artwork. Photography became a career choice from the beginning
with what many consider a dream job.
David began working for Playboy magazine the fall of 1979, soon after, becoming a staff photographer and moving to Chicago. In the late ‘80s, he would take a title change to Contributing Photographer where he would continue with Playboy until 2002. It was after this time he would begin to expand on his photography style to include fashion, beauty, and celebrity work for various editorial and advertising clients worldwide.
Called upon to shoot Petersen Publishing’s SPORT magazine swimsuit issue four successive years, the final year would culminate with it being broadcast on ESPN, ESPN-2, and PRIME TICKET where he would serve both as narrator & host. As well, he would be thrown into an acting stint in a made-for-TV movie titled Posing, aired on CBS, when, while working as a technical advisor, the director tapped David to play the fictional Playboy photographer.

My work with Steve Thornton
One of the world’s leading international image makers, Atlanta, Georgia native Steve Thornton began his illustrious career as a self taught and progressive 12 year old shutterbug with a keen and razor sharp eye to detail. As a professional, he has photographed numerous national and international ads, along with feature editorials for celebrated magazines in the United States, Milan, Italy and Paris, France, where he has also lived. These respected magazines include “Zeffrio", "Teen", "Seventeen", "Modern Bride", "Your Prom" and "Bride’s" plus Western Lifestyle magazines like "Cowgirl", "Cowboys and Indians", "American Cowboy", "Western and English" and "Western Horsemen”.
In addition to Steve’s revered editorial features, his work has been prominently showcased in the advertising photography arena and corporate settings for respected companies such as UPS, INVESCO, General Motors, Hallmark, Citizens, Hyatt, Trane, and American Express.
Each and every day, thousands of people from all walks of life feel the inspiration, power and raw emotion that Steve’s candid images bring to this world. Even today, he still continues on his prolific quest of providing not only some of the best quality images in the industry, but as well, creating spectacular and eye-catching photos that are not just artistic images, but emotional experiences for everyone to enjoy.
He travels on assignment an average of 175 days a year, he has been in 48 of the 50 states and 18 countries in North America, Europe, the Orient and the Middle East.
Steve was a winner in the ASMP "Best of 2011" award. The ASMP is a professional photography guild 7000 members strong.